June 16, 2013


Because it’s Father’s Day!!I am giving away treat to all fathers and soon to be fathers out there. I have cooked several foreign dishes already, some I have explored in the internet and some I have come to taste in the restaurants. This dish is simply looks very complicated because imagine, it has over 10 different herbs and spices in it. Don’t be overwhelmed and get intimidated with this dish because I’m sure you’ll get 5 stars here from your Dad or husband once he tasted your version of this comforting, soothing and delicious pork soup most popularly known as Bah Kuh Teh. 

This dish is another plan ahead dish or you can cook this same day but make sure to prepare this early in the morning if you are planning to serve this on lunch. Check the ingredients first before I can proceed.


2 kilos combination of lean meat and bones- Meaty pork ribs, pork bone,shank and loin- there is no rule here, choose whatever is available and inexpensive, what we wanted here is to extract more flavors in the pork.

1 tbs Star Anise
1 tbs Cinnamon
1 tbs Cloves
2-3 pcs Dang Gui- Chinese Herb/You can find this in any Asian Store ( I bought mine in Binondo)
1 tbs Fennel Seeds 
3 Garlic whole 
Salt and pepper
Green Onions
Celery/Cilantro leaves for garnishing
Bah Kuh Teh ready to use sachet

Do not punish your self though in finding all these spices and herbs because you can also find a ready to use sachet of Bah Kuh Teh but I still like to put in some dried and fresh spices and herbs for more flavors.


First procedure is to clean the meat- wash and clean the meat carefully on a running water. Bring to a boil in about 15 to 30 minutes, then remove the meat from the water. Discard the water. Your boiled meat should look like the one in the image. I took a photo of the 1st boiled meat. You need to remove all those white floating excess fats. Check it out.

I'st boiled meat

In another pan, pour in a clean water of about 2.5 liters and the meat. Put in all the spices and the ready to use Bah Kuh Teh mixture. Bring to a slow cooking/boiling procedure, you may want to use the pressure cooker or stick to the traditional. Whichever works for you.I used the traditional (believe me) and it took me around 2-3 perspiring hours. And it should look like this one once ready.

nice colors!!

And this one.....yummy and smells heavenly!!!




Check on the meat if it is already tender and yet still attached to the bones. Once you see that it's already tender perfect...it's already done and in awhile you will experience heaven in a bowl!!!

Serve in a bowl and top with the fresh greens that you have. This is perfect for a rainy and lazy weekend with Dad and the kids. You can serve this alone or with any other favorite dish that you may have. Fried tofu or any dimsum that is available, but the recipe will be available on my next blog so watch out for it!
There is also a wide variety of condiments that you can do alongside with this. I will teach you some in my next blog.

Enjoy your Bah Kuh Teh!!!!It's a real treat to all fathers! Happy fathers Day : from Cooking Ina's Kitchen!!!


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