May 19, 2013


I am getting requests after requests for the featured recipes and I am so delighted and grateful for it! I will reply and do your request to the best of my knowledge and ability but it may sometime take a little late so bear with me. Another featured recipe is ready to be unveiled as 2 of 2 for the featured recipe for the day. This recipe actually has a dual role in the table, sometime it may be in a form of appetizer and sometimes it may appear in a form of an entree. But however you serve it, it's going to be a blast! Request came and I would like to thank Annaliza- another good friend and a highschool buddy for this request. I hope this one will help you and let me know your thoughts when you have tried it at home with your love ones. Enjoy Cooking!!

Rockefeller Baked Oyster in CIK Spinach Pesto Cream Sauce 

Oysters, cleaned and shelled ( to removed the shell out, you need to wash the Oysters thoroughly removing the dirt and then pour in boiling water and wait until it partially opens, when it's cooled down, tweak, twist and turn the shell carefully to remove the upper shell and to look like the above photos)
Cheesy Spinach Butter Spread-the one I featured here please browse for that recipe on this same link posted April 29, 2013.
Chili (optional)

Lay down all your cleaned and shelled Oyster on a baking pan with salt underneath. Salt will just keep the Oyster standing upright. In a bowl, put 1/2 cup of Cheesy Spinach Butter Spread and mix some heavy cream and stir until it is well blended. You don't need to season it with anything as the butter spread is already complete. Scoop a portion of it and spread over the Oyster like the above and bake it at 350 Degrees for 5 minutes or until the mixture on top is bubbling and turning into golden brown in color. Serve and sprinkle over with calamansi right after it came from the oven. You may also want to have some chili powder sprinkled on top for that extra kick. Serve and enjoy!

Remember: The key to a yummy and delicious dish is fresh ingredients.

"For life is more than food"

Please drop me some comments as I would love to hear from you! :)

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