November 29, 2013


Today's featured dish is a  Filipino dish cooked and served traditionally as main menu or viand or as an appetizer served with beer or wine during special occasion. Well the word "Salpicao" varies in usage and meaning from different region across the world, like in Portugal, Salpicao means sausage made of beef meat and in Brazil, they mean salad containing beef as part of the main ingredient. In the Philippines, when we say Salpicao, we basically mean, beef braised to attain perfect tenderness  and fried or sauteed in garlic and some seasoning. And then topped with crispy garlic to conclude the perfect dish. I will show you how I do my version and hope you try one for yourself too!


1 Kilo Bottom Round Beef - I use this part but make sure you are able to cut the meat across the grain and remove those connective tissues to make the meat more tender when braised
3-5 Cloves of Garlic minced or more depending on your garlic addiction ( I'm a self proclaimed garlic addict), I use plenty of it, it's healthy anyway
2-3 Tbs of Worcestershire Sauce
2 Tbs Soy Sauce
1 Table spoon brown sugar
Salt and pepper to taste
1 liter beef stock
Water and cornstarch 
Oil for frying

  1. In a pan, put some oil and fry the garlic until brown and crispy ( do not burn the garlic as it'll ruin the taste of your dish). Set aside
  2. On the same pan, saute garlic until it's partially cooked then add the beef.
  3. Pour in the beef stock and let it simmer for about an hour over low heat. (you can use pressure cooker but make sure it's not overcooked, you don't want to end up cooking a corned beef right?)
  4. Once the meat is tender, season with Worcestershire Sauce, Soy Sauce, sugar,salt and pepper to taste. 
  5. Once the seasoning is already well blended, you can fry it over a hot oil until it turns golden brown. Drain and set aside. This step is already up to you if you want to fry it or just leave it as it is. You can skip the frying if you want to.
  6. Serve and topped with crispy garlic and steamed rice. Enjoy!